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Name Your Files

Generate file names for sets of orchestral parts. Search Daniels Orchestral Music Online, ArtsVision or enter your Daniels Orchestral Music instrumentation code manually. Use flexible templates to include fields such as composer, orchestrator, arranger, title, edition and various numbering systems

Crop and Rotate

Process all your parts at once with batch cropping and rotating of PDF files

Advanced Print Engine

Fire and forget print runs for your sets of parts. From single sided to advanced layouts such as Accordion Fold or Booklets with foldout pages, we have you covered

Part/Desk Numbers

Add part numbers to your wind, brass, percussion sets and desk numbers to your string parts. You have full flexibility on appearance, positioning, which pages have numbers and when totals appear on

Flexible Settings

Orchestra Librarian's Toolkit is built to be flexible with plentiful settings that you can use to speed up your library's digital workflow

Orchestra Librarian’s Toolkit (oltk) is designed to ease some of the pain around batch processing sets of PDF file parts. With features such as autogenerated file names, batch crop and rotate, adding part and desk numbers and an advanced print engine, oltk is sure to save you precious time as you prepare your orchestra’s sheet music.

Meet our team

Well, team of one!

Chris Turner

Founder & Software Developer

I'm a musician and software developer with 10 years as a music librarian under my belt. I taught myself to code, then went and did a master's degree in Software Dev and am now a Senior Developer with Theta Systems by day. Oltk is my passion project which I'm excited to share with you all.

Get it from Microsoft

Brendan Agnew

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra

"We’ve been using Chris’ early versions of OLTK at NZSO and it’s amazing! Saves so much time, and is really intuitive to use."