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  3. Getting Started
  4. Beta Testing
  5. Set Up

Set Up

  • If you do not have a personal Microsoft account, create one. (The Beta test platform requires a personal account – corporate microsoft accounts use different technology and will not work.)
  • Send your personal Microsoft account email address to Chris.
  • You will receive word from Chris that your Beta Test access has been activated along with a link to view oltk in the store. The link will look a bit like this: ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=$application-id
  • Open the Microsoft Store app on your computer.
  • Click the profile icon and if you are not already showing as logged in using your personal Microsoft Account, click Sign In and follow the Sign In process.
  • Once you are signed in to the Microsoft Store App, use the store link to oltk that Chris will have sent you.
  • You should see the following screen.
  • Press install
  • Once installed, you can launch the app from the store, the start menu or create shortcuts on the desktop or task bar like any other windows application.
  • Open oltk.
  • You will see the following screen with subscription options. Press subscribe on the Beta subscription card and follow the instructions in the popups that appear. If you cannot see the Beta card, reach out to Chris.
  • If you receive any errors during the subscription process, contact Chris.
  • If all has gone successfully, you should now be redirected to the File Naming Tab. Congrats, you have oltk Beta up and running.