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How does OLTK generate file names

When OLTK parses instrumentation code to generate file names, it looks at the detail field and makes replacements. Here is what is happening under the hood, in each case using the clarinet section as the example.

Empty details field

If the details field is empty, the number of parts field is used to generate the number of parts.

  • For PartInstruments, a 3 in the number of parts field gets extrapolated out to Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, and Clarinet 3. The word Clarinet comes from one of two places. If a default instrument is specified for the clarinet section, the default name for that instrument is used. If no default instrument is supplied, then the default name of the clarinet section is used.
  • For PartAbbreviations, a 3 in the number of parts field gets extrapolated out to Cl 1, Cl 2, and Cl 3. The abbreviation Cl comes from one of two places. If a default instrument is specified for the clarinet section, the default abbreviation for that instrument is used. If no default instrument is supplied, then the default abbreviation of the clarinet section is used.

Details field containing 1.2.3

The details field gets split based on the . character. Each resulting item is considered a new part. The numbers get expanded out to Clarinet 1 Clarinet 2 and Clarinet 3 or Cl 1, Cl 2 or Cl 3 in the same manner as for the Empty Details field.

Details field containing 1.2.3/bcl

As with 1.2.3, the details field gets split based on the . character. 1.2 is handled in the same way as 1.2.3 yielding Clarinet 1 and Clarinet 2 or Cl 1 and Cl 2. The third item from this split (3/bcl) goes through an additional split based on the / character. The 3 then gets treated in the same manner as we have seen previously yielding Clarinet 3 or Cl 3. The bcl gets looked up in the database of instruments. If it is found:

  • For PartInstruments, bcl is replaced with the default name of the found instrument. In this case, the replacement is Bass Clarinet by default.
  • For PartAbbreviations, bcl is replaced with the default abbreviation of the found instrument. In this case, the replacement is BCl by default. (Instruments with more than one abbreviation see benefit from standardisation here. e.g. the instrumentation code might contain pno or pf to represent piano. If your default abbreviation for piano is Pf, you get consistent use of Pf to represent piano parts.)

If the abbreviation is not found, no replacement occurs and bcl is used as is. Finally, Clarinet 3 (Cl 3) gets combined with Bass Clarinet (BCl) along with Doubling Text (e.g. ” & ” or ” Doubing “) from Settings>FileNaming>Doubling Text to yield Clarinet 3 & Bass Clarinet or Cl 3 & BCl.